Remove and Replace Metal Roof - Brooder Repairs
Low Cost DIY Chicken Tractor Waterer
Suscovich Chicken Tractor Review
John Deere 4430 Repairs - Part 5 Reinstall Rock Shaft Covert, SCV Valves and Power Beyond Block
Raising All Natural Pastured Chicken
Time to Say Goodbye to Little Bruiser
John Deere 4430 Repairs - Part 4 SCV Seals
High Tensile Gate Detail
Our Kune Kune Pigs have Arrived!
John Deere 4430 Repairs - Part 3 Rockshaft Bench Repairs
Weiser River Flooding 2019 - Midvale, ID Aftermath
Pouring Concrete for Our Brooder and Dairy Addition
Weiser River Flooding 2019 - Midvale, ID update
Weiser River Flooding 2019 - Midvale, ID
John Deere 4430 Repairs - Part 2 Rockshaft Housing Removal
High Tensile Fence Review - First Spring
John Deere 4430 Repairs - Part 1
Why Are We Doing This? & 2019 Plan
Building a Storage Loft - Part 2
Stock Dog Training - Day 14