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Raising All Natural Pastured Chicken


Our whole pastured broiler chickens are now available for purchase from our website! We thought we'd do a video to give you a better idea of how we raise our chickens. Our chickens are raised in the brooder for the first 3-4 weeks and then moved out onto pasture (weather depending). We used the Suscovich style chicken tractors and they did very well for us. Our pastures are heavy on alfalfa, which is one of the most nutritious animal forages, but the pastures (no chemical fertilizers or pesticides) also contain many seasonal plants and grasses. Once the chickens are in the pasture, they are moved to fresh forage daily and are fed a mix of sprouted grains, peas, kelp and minerals. They are processed locally by an ISDA inspected butcher, and they taste amazing! We hope you enjoy the video, and let us know if you have any questions!

YouTube: Black Horse Ranch Idaho

Instagram: @BlackHorseRanchIdaho

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